So for a While now...we have wanted to have our very own cool fire pit in the backyard...and we have seen many at the stores and such..but none that was big enough or that caught our eye...so as we were thinking about what we wanted to do with the back yard and renovating it...we thought hey you know...we could use those extra bricks and make a sweet fire pit with them..and we had the gravel and already a huge spot to put it...where we tour out a huge pine tree last year when we bought the house...so today on a not to cold or hot day..we got to work making our family fire pit..and the kids helped out....we use the old play house for our wood..and to celebrate our family fire pit we roasted smores...which was a lot of fun for the kids...though koby our dog..did not like the fire as much...he tried to stay far away from it....good dog I though....lol....Mercedi she was sure to try to stay away too..she doesn't like the smoke much...don't blame here though..it is hard to breath that stuff in....lol....Melanie she saw that everyone was making the smores..and she wanted one as well...but I didn't roast her marshmallow...I just made it all up for her..and handed it to her and she took a big bite..and then pulled this funny face..and started pulling the smore apart...and then she got down to the chocolate and she was happy with that...she only wanted that chocolate....What can I say a girl after my own heart...I would skip to the chocolate as well....So after much roasting marshmallows..the kids all went inside..and I got to just sit out side..next to the coals burning...with the nice breeze out side and just quietness...I could of fallen to sleep..it was just so relaxing..and I could smell the wood burning and it just felt like I was out in the woods...day dreaming...wonderful thing for sure...So it just goes to show you don't have to go to far away for a nice fire in the back yard....We are all happy to have this new addition to our back yard fun!!!
The kids getting ready to do some roasting....

Mercedi is taking our picture...and we are smelling that good old smoke that follows beauty right??????

Me and melanie just chilling!!!!

Mercedi....biting in for a good bite....so does that taste good or what???

Family having fun....roasting up some good yummy smores!!!!

Our good and faithful dog.Koby ..who is not fond of the Fire...lol

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I see a pile of waferboard in your new pit. This stuff gives off toxic fumes when burned. You don't want your kids anywhere near this, certainly not roasting marshmallows over it. I realize this is two years old, but just FYI.
ReplyDeleteHi! So you used 46 landscape stones and a bed of rocks? Anything else? Are they mortared together? What's the diameter? How big are the stones? Are there instructions anywhere?