Monday, May 4, 2009

She Is Here!!!!

So Here is a very happy Dad,....He is so happy to have little Melanie here with us and you can tell!!!!...He is happy to have girls and just only one boy....even though he would like to have another little boy..... But I'm not seeing that in our future so far. Melanie Weighed 7lbs 3 oz and was 20inches long....

This is me and little melanie..she has been such a great little baby...just like all my other ones...she is doing great and eating and growing fast....I am soaking it all in and just enjoying her being so small and just adorable.....I'm sure all you mothers agree.

This is the outfit that we brought her home in...I saw it at walmart and just thought how cute and springing so that is why I got it and I loved the colors purple and yellow together..And the kids loved that it had thumper on it so it worked out perfect.

Well Little Melanie Kaylee Burk...was born at 9:47 p.m. on April 30th, 2009 and she came so fast that her little face was face up and got all bruised...but the bruising is going away and she is doing great...sense she came so fast her little head didn't come out cone shaped at all...just a little bridging and that is all...This was the fastest I have ever delivered as well...I was like what she is I am so happy she is out,...I feel a tone better and I have energy and I love just having her in my arms instead of my belly.....I would have to say that all that complaining that I did....was all worth going through for this little bundle of joy that we get to add to our family.....that Kids are loving her and just always want to help and hold her and they just love when she looks at them....Though logans comment when he came to visit us in the hospital was....Mom I don't want the baby out of your tummy....she needs to go back in your tummy ....I just started laughing it was so funny...but sense then he is kissing her and rubbing her head...and He always wants to know where the baby is...If he can't see It has been fun having her home and having life back...but with a little more tasks to do now...So enjoy the pics.

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