Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Father's Day!!!! 2011

It's that time let the men in our lives know how lucky we are to have them as husbands and fathers and dad's... I looked up when fathers day began...and how it was started...It first began back in 1908 on July 5th by Mrs grace golden...who wanted to remember those fathers who had just passed away a couple of months a go in a mining disaster that killed 200 fathers...after much debate with three presidents to go through...fathers day was finally established by Nixon in 1972...and would be the third Sunday of June... every year...the only reason it was finally acknowledge was because of the lady who made mothers day...said it was unfair to celebrate mothers day and not fathers day as it was made a now for fathers is usually spent with a special dinner for dad...or and outing with the family....The most common gifts are ties and office supplies...Also the most collect calls are made on fathers day ...out of the whole year...that was a surprise to know that....So for us to celebrate fathers day...we made a breakfast try for dad...but with out the breakfast...he was fasting...and we decorated it up for him..and the kids were supper excited about giving there gifts to dad....we went to church..and then came home and had a wonderful dinner...with all the trimmings..and good cream hearsay pie....yum...he had a wonderful fathers day...and loved all of his gifts...He is a special man...and a Wonderful father...He does so much for our family and gives his all...we love him very much...Your the best Honey pie.

This is the Kids Wonderful Father....And my hunk of Love!!!!

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